Turmeric - Nature's Wonder

Turmeric is regularly (if not daily) used in preparation of Indian foods. It is also extensively used in food preparation and preservation, and as a food-colouring agent in China and South East Asia. The scientific name of turmeric is Curcuma Longa. The health benefits of turmeric include the following:
- it is an antioxidant
- it helps alleviate flatulence
- it has anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant properties
- it helps in curing, preventing ulcers
- it helps to reduce high-cholesterol levels (it is hypocholesteremic)
- it is anti-carcinogenic (as per recent studies, it fights certain types
of cancers)
- it is antiviral (it fights certain types of viruses)
- it helps in cardiovascular disease
- it also helps in Alzheimer’s disease
How turmeric can be used for cough, cold and asthma
- Add ¼ teaspoon of turmeric to milk and boil the milk. You may sweeten it with jaggery rather than sugar. Turmeric milk with jaggery, when taken warm (like you would take tea or coffee), provides a good relief from cold, and taken regularly it can alleviate asthma.
- -For whooping cough, one teaspoon of honey should be taken with one teaspoon of the juice of ginger and ¼ teaspoon of turmeric powder.
- -For relief from bronchial congestion you may try the following options:
- One teaspoon turmeric powder with ½ teaspoon honey; or
- Drink a glass of hot water to which turmeric powder and a little salt is added and stirred. This will also be helpful for nasal congestion and running nose.
- An mixture made of ghee, black pepper powder and a little turmeric powder should be rubbed on the throat and chest.
How turmeric can be used for skin problems
- For urticaria accompanied with digestive disorders, the digestion problem must be attended to first. Taking ¼ teaspoon of turmeric with a teaspoon of honey taken twice daily would not only help bring the digestion back to normal, but would help heal urticaria as well. At the same time, diet must consist of easily digestible foods. No sour substances should be taken. Fish and meat should be avoided. The amount of turmeric in the patient’s food should be increased.
- For ringworm, a paste made of turmeric powder with sesame oil should be applied over the ringworm-affected area. The same treatment is quite effective for white spots, brownish spots and skin eruptions as well.
- For curing mouth sores and mouth blisters: Boil about one glass of water to which a little turmeric is added. Gargle and rinse your mouth with this mixture twice or thrice in a day.
Written by: Saikumar Iyer (RFK Team Member)
Dated: 20th February 2012