
.A rose is a woody, thorny plant of the rosaceae family. There are more than one hundred species of roses, with large showy flowers in many different colors.
Hybrid tea roses are beautifully shaped, colorful roses that often make appearances in flower shops and as part of bouquets.
Floribunda roses are the most colorful of all the varieties. Each bush has many blossoms, rather than just one to a stem.
Grandiflora roses are a cross between the hybrid tea and Floribunda roses, and they grow to be quite tall with several rose clusters to a stem.
Climber roses can be trained to stretch vine-like along fences and walls.
Miniature roses are intricate and tiny, perfect for planting in a container.
Shrub and landscape roses are quite hardy, resistant to pests and disease. .
Tree roses are roses that have been grafted to a long stem, giving them the appearance of trees.

Rose petal Jam
Place rose petals in a stone mortar
Slowly pour in the sugar and use the pestle to crush the petals together with the sugar. The juice in the petals will gradually blend with the sugar to form a deep red paste. No further cooking is needed.
The jam can be preserved in sterilised glass jars for up to 2 years.
A flavoured water made by steeping rose petals in water, rosewater has been used as a flavouring for centuries in Middle Eastern, Indian and Chinese cuisines. It can be added to jellies and syrups, and it is often sprinkled over cakes and milky puddings such as kheer (Indian rice pudding).
Rose Water
Pick flowers
Use only petals
Wash thoroughly to remove bugs and dirt particles.
Place the rose petals in a large pot of distilled water.
Add just enough water to cover the petals. Too much water will give you very diluted rose water.
Cover the pot with a lid and simmer on a low flame. The water should be steaming hot not boiling hot.
Allow the water to steam until the petals have lost their colour and the water has taken on the colour of the rose petals. You will see the rose oil floating on the surface.
Strain the water and collect in a container. Store it in a refrigerator. It will last longer this way.
Rose is a kind of precious medical materials,can beautify and improve the skin,,high blood press,heart diseases,and gynaopathy effectively.It coordinate liver and spleen,regulate vital energy and stomach
roses have been included in cosmetics, medicines and therapeutic treatments for centuries. Rose essential oil has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties, making it ideal to topically treat a host of ailments including abrasions, burns and skin conditions. It has also been used to ease sore throats, fever and cough.
This oil soluble rose essence is a highly concentrated flavouring perfect for adding rose flavour to your cakes, cookies, icings and more. As it is oil soluble,