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Fenugreek - The Wonder Herb !

The nutritional value of Fenugreek
  • Fenugreek leaves are a high source of calcium – the calcium from the leaves are very good for breast-feeding mothers, as it helps with milk secretion.
  • Good source of protein – Fresh leaves contain 3-5% protein, and so is very helpful for those suffering from anaemia.
  • Contain high levels of phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, niacin and selenium.
  • Excellent source of vitamins and minerals – This includes vitamin K, vitamin A, manganese, folate, magnesium, iron, vitamin C, vitamin B2, potassium, vitamin E and vitamin B6. These are present in natural forms and thus are easily absorbed by the body.
  • Fenugreek is a good source of dietary fibre.

Amazing health benefits:
So now that we know the nutritional information of fenugreek, let’s dig deeper to find out the incredible values contained in this rather tiny ingredient. Firstly, did you know that it helps control our body weight? Many researches show that regular intake of fenugreek seeds helps remove unwanted fats deposited in the body, and thus helps reduce cholesterol. Fenugreek seeds are like a detoxifying ingredient which attracts all the unwanted wastes stored in our system, expels it and thus cleanses and rejuvenates our entire body.

Fenugreek seeds aids in prevention of cancers to the breast and colon. In addition, fenugreek also reduces a lot of health related problems that we could potentially develop. The seeds help lower cholesterol, type-1 and type-2 diabetes. For diabetics, naturopaths suggest that consuming a lot of fenugreek seeds with our diet, or having a teaspoon of seeds early morning or prior to consuming each meal can help control blood sugar levels.   

Fenugreek seeds are also very cooling for the body and stomach. The consumption of fenugreek seeds powder helps eliminates stomach problems such as loss of appetite, abdominal distension, flatulence and Gastroeosophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). Fenugreek seeds powder can be prepared by roasting the seeds until it changes colour. The seeds are then crushed in a mortar and pestle with a little bit of salt added to it. This powder can then be consumed with rice. It will act as an appetiser, gets rid of all stomach problems, and you will be feeling hungry again in no time-…The best feeling in the world. 

You may be thinking - I am a healthy person who does not have diabetes or stomach problems, so then what does it do for me? There is still more to come. Fenugreek seeds rejuvenate and re-energise the entire body. So if you are feeling exhausted, experiencing fatigue, or having muscle aches, these seeds can do some magic. Have a teaspoon of the seeds with a glass of water daily, and you shall return to the vibrant you again.

If you are still not amazed by this wonder herb and amazing spice, there’'s more yet to convince that this ingredient is astounding… BEAUTY benefits. Fenugreek leaves are good for our hair. A lot of people make a paste of the fenugreek leaves, mix it with coconut milk and apply it to the scalp. This is believed to reduce and eventually prevent hair-loss, stimulate hair growth, preserve the natural colour of the hair, and ensure hair stays healthy, soft and silky. Fenugreek seeds powder is used to help stop premature greying of hair. The powder is usually mixed with coconut oil and massaged into the scalp. It is left for hours so that the essence is absorbed by the scalp, and then it is rinsed by cold water. The regular practice of this is believed to ensure hair preserves its natural colour for longer.

Fenugreek helps you glow. Many people make a paste using the fenugreek leaves and turmeric, apply this to their face. This is believed to prevent pimples and blackheads. Another practice is to add boiled milk to the fenugreek leaves paste, and apply it to the face. This is believed to delay fine lines and wrinkles, enhances complexion and make us look younger.

So now, I am certain that you are also amazed by this tiny, yet noteworthy ingredient. So the next time you think about fenugreek, remember it is tasty, healthy and makes you glow….so buy it and try it!!!

Article Written By: Sona Saikumar
Date: 22nd April 2012

Fenugreek is well known to be an amazing herb and spice. Fenugreek leaves and seeds boost the flavour and add beautiful aroma to our meals be it in curries, parathas, chutneys, or pickles. But that’s not only what makes it amazing! Did know the immense health benefits that are attained by consuming this? So in other words, you are enjoying mouth-watering meals such as methi paratha, and fenugreek curry, and at the same time gaining incredible benefits for your health. Here is a quick nutritional summary:

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